How does the SAT fee waiver work and who's eligible?

I've heard about SAT fee waivers, but I'm not super clear on the criteria for eligibility or how exactly to go about getting one. Can someone walk me through the guide or their own experience with obtaining a fee waiver?

9 months ago

Certainly! SAT fee waivers are intended for high school students in the United States who cannot afford to pay the test fees. To be eligible, students generally need to meet one of the following requirements: they're enrolled in a federal, state, or local program that aids students from low-income families (such as the National School Lunch Program), their family's annual income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service, they're in foster care or are homeless, or they are part of a family that receives public assistance.

To obtain one, you can approach your high school counselor, who has these waivers and can provide you one after determining your eligibility. The waiver covers two free SATs (without the essay), six free SAT Subject Tests, and unlimited score reports to colleges. Along with the SAT fee waiver, you'll also get college application fee waivers for participating schools when it's time to apply.

Make sure to plan ahead as these benefits can only be used while you're in high school. Keep in mind that a fee waiver cannot be used for late registration, so ensure you register for the SAT before the regular deadline. If you think you might be eligible, I urge you to speak with your counselor soon to take advantage of these opportunities.

9 months ago

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