Grant money available for historic tax credit application

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South Street Landing, Providence, Rhode Island

F unding from the National Trust is awarded to nonprofit organizations and public agencies, and the majority of our funding is awarded for planning and education projects through our National Trust Preservation Funds grant program.

A grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation can be just the boost a project needs to ensure its success. National Trust grants are primarily for planning preservation projects, though some special programs focus on preservation planning in particular fields or geographic regions or allow for the funding of physical preservation (“bricks and mortar”) work.

Grant requirements vary and applications are due at various times of the year, depending on the program. Visit the links below to access the most up-to-date information, as well as for application guidelines and deadlines.

Upcoming Deadlines

Finding Funding: The National Trust Grants Program

An overview of the National Trust's grant opportunities, including what's available, tips for your application, and more.


If you have questions after reading these guidelines, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you still have questions, please email us at and a staff member will respond within three business days.

National Trust Preservation Funds

National Trust Preservation Funds (NTPF) are an umbrella group of grant funds intended to encourage preservation at the local level by supporting ongoing preservation work and by providing seed money for preservation projects. There are three deadlines per year in February, June, and October. Grants from this fund are generally between $2,500 and $5,000. Out-of-round funding can occur (when available) in the case of an emergency. Email the Grants Office for more information.

Several grants in the NTPF portfolio are limited to a specific type or geographic area but allow for larger grants. These funds use the NTPF application form and deadlines.

Annual Grant Programs

We have several programs that only have one deadline per year and are restricted to a specific area or project type.

Grant Programs with Partners

African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund

Share Your Story

We are always eager to hear about how a grant from the National Trust has helped your project beyond the initial monetary contribution. If you would like to share your story, send an email to with a short description of what's happened since the grant.