
chris watts confession transcript

Note to other media outlets about use: I have spent days transcribing the 5 hours Chris Watts interview, since the FBI did not make the full Chris Watts confession transcript available. You are welcome to use it by linking back to this website.

Grahm: So, there were so many things that happened, weren’t there, that were just little tiny ingredients to this recipe? It’s nuts, Chris. It’s just so many things just didn’t go your way.

Chris: Everything was like, someone was stirring a pot..

Grahm: That’s exactly what it was like. So then, I know I keep bringing it up- can you walk me through just the last few minutes before Shanann died?

Chris: It was pretty much just … I had gotten dressed for work and then, like we started talking…

Grahm: Did she come to you?

Chris: No, I was just right there in bed.

Grahm: Oh, okay

Chris: So I was just like I got my blue shirt on and my jeans and everything…

Grahm: You were ready to go?

Chris: I was ready to go and—

Tammy: Was she asleep? Or did you have to wake her up to finish your conversation, or…

Chris: I wake her up cuz she got home at two o’clock so she was pretty much out of it but I never knew like, if, like, her plane got delayed or someone always told me she just sat around with Nickole and just talked for awhile and then came home or something. I’m not sure if that was–?

Dave: Yeah, it was delayed, yeah

Chris: But uh, yeah, when she came home and everything, but yeah, I woke her up to talk to her.

Grahm: Oh, okay.

Chris: Yeah.

Grahm: And is that because it was just eating at your brain?

Chris: Yeah, I knew like something like, something , like, doesn’t feel right with me. I know like, she knew, I don’t know, I just knew she knew. I just felt like maybe like, maybe the kids weren’t gonna be there when I got home that day.

Grahm: Oh! Interesting. Now, um, I don’t mean to offend but I have to ask- is that really the truth?

Chris: I really felt there was..they weren’t gonna be there when I got home that day.

Tammy: Like she would take them somewhere? Or..

Chris: No, I just, I just felt like either maybe I wouldn’t go home maybe they weren’t gonna be there or I wouldn’t be allowed in. Type thing.

Tammy: I think I saw she text messages where Shanann talked about that she would take the kids to another state or something cuz she wouldn’t be able to afford to live in Colorado or something…did she say that kinda stuff to you?

chris watts confession transcript shows a portion of Shanann Watts text where she discusses Chris wanting a divorce, custody, and moving out of Colorado.

Pictured Above: Page from Discovery documents outlines a portion of Shanann’s text discussion with friends. She told them about Chris Watts sudden, dramatic shift in behavior and how distant he was being. Despite this, she did everything she could to fix their relationship, from writing him letters, asking him to attend counseling, etc. She desperately wanted to find a way to fix the relationship and save her family. (Portion is discussed in Chris Watts confession transcript).

Chris: Yep

Tammy: What did she say about that?

Chris: She said she couldn’t afford to live in Colorado on her own and that uh I told her her well I mean she can try it, she pretty much makes the same amount I do. But uh, she said she wouldn’t, she wouldn’t wanna try just because you know Colorado just, price of living there was a lot higher than North Carolina

Tammy: And this is just so I’m clear you thought maybe she was, in your mind she thought maybe she would take the kids somewhere else or lock you out of the house, or—

Chris:—or just like, you know, I wouldn’t wanna make it seem like you know, I’m trying to pound on the door trying to get in or anything I just feel like you know that is what I did on Sunday, was kinda like, or Saturday night it was kinda like the last straw, kinda like going out with somebody and using the actual bank account card and like not trying to hide it at all.

Grahm: So walk me through it though, because she comes home, she touches you, you guys have sex, you fall asleep, you wake up for work all natural, all you know, a normal days work type thing,

Chris: Yeah

Grahm: What was it that made you think “I just can’t do this anymore I have to talk to her”?

Chris: It was eating away at me, like I knew like something, that everything that I did, I know that when I was with Nikki it was, you know, different, like I wasn’t like even in the realm of “I’m a dad, I’m a husband” type thing..

Grahm: Oh.

Chris: …and then like I was saying when I’m never at home sleeping in my own bed ….and I have no concept of that anymore.

Grahm: Interesting! So in your mind and heart you moved on.

Chris: It kinda felt like if I wasn’t at home, I didn’t think about it almost cuz like if I wasn’t sleeping in my own bed….like….I think there was one point Nikki had gone to mountains with friends for a few days, end of June first part of July, and then like, you know, that part you know I’m obviously at home, but from that whole month of July on, was like I was never at home, I never had all those reminders I never had you know like even time my wife called me I would be at Nikki’s house.

Grahm: Oh, when she was in North Carolina?

Chris Watts Confession : This photo shows Shanann Watts on July 4th 2018 in North Carolina via Facebook. She is wearing a Thrive patch.

Pictured Above: A beautiful & beaming Shanann Watts in North Carolina July 4th, as discussed in the Chris Watts confession transcript.

Chris: Yeah and I would like you know, walk outside talk to her next to the car or something like that. I would never be at home having all these pictures around me just being in the same bed, seeing my kids in bed, seeing everything that we built for that last six years.

Grahm: And so, did you just want to once and for all, get it out in the open?

Chris: I just wanted to tell her how I was feeling at that point in time, like I didn’t feel like me and her were compatible anymore. I honestly didn’t feel like that cuz what was going on with was new. It was new.

Grahm: Right. Absolutely.

Chris: Anything that’s new always feels better than the old.

Tammy: You were probably just bitten by the love bug, is how a lot of therapists talk about it.

Chris: Yeah, unfortunately it was just like I never felt that. Even with like new relationships in the past it always feels different the first couple weeks then you just something with Nikki felt different. I don’t know what it was. Maybe it was just like you said, like I was more in control and it was more of “me” coming out, cuz Shanann always said it always seemed I was more myself around other people, like her cousin Cody. Cody lived and came out and visited us a little bit while we were in Colorado for a little while and Coy always talked about oh “Chris is so funny Chris is like—“ Shanann was like “Oh you’re never like that with me”. I’m just like “Well, maybe I always feel nervous around you!” (Laughs)

Grahm: There’s only so much oxygen in the room, right? I say this to some people, when dominant personalities, you know—

Chris: —I just always felt nervous, I always felt like I was, you know, never could actually be myself. With Nikki I was myself all the time. It was just different.

Grahm: Well, and it seems as though, and again, hard to talk about and you tell me if I’m wrong, but it also seems is it accurate to say that sexually “Nikki this is what I would like this is what I’m into and blah blah blah” and maybe not with Shanann?

Chris: Nikki just wanted, I mean, she wanted what she wanted. She wanted to do it pretty much all the time.I was just like “Okay, that’s fine with me”. With Shanann it was just like hey, sometimes it happens sometimes it didn’t but that wasn’t the case it wasn’t just sexual. I was more myself I could just not think about what I was going to say or plan what I was going to say or say something stupid…

Dave: A little bit of freedom.

Tammy: Can I ask you something about that morning that you had sex with Shanann? Did you feel at all like, that maybe you were kinda of cheating on Nikki by doing that?

Chris: I felt strange, I felt like, you know, the first time I was with Nikki I felt weird and then the last time I was with Shanann I felt totally strange. I just like…. I didn’t know who I was, I didn’t know who I had become, I didn’t…I felt like I had become a [??] on TV, and that did not feel right with me. I didn’t know what had happened to me. Nikki even asked me “Have you ever done this before, have you ever strayed away?”. I never even thought about it. She’s like “What’s different?”. I guess it’s just you that’s different. I’ve seen girls smile at me before, never done anything about it. With her it was like she had a leash on me and she tugged me away. As soon as she walked in I’m like what the hell is going on. So..

Grahm: And Tammy brings up a very good point. I wonder if that last time with Shanann having sex had somewhat of a role in you thinking “I’ve gotta do something. I’ve gotta say something. We’ve gotta have a talk. Something’s gotta change”. Is that accurate?

Chris: I felt like maybe it was a trigger point or something like, you hit the push button on a bomb and it just blows up. Something in my head, something was irking me. I had to say something.

✦ Continue reading Part 3 of the Chris Watts Confession Transcript

Shanann’s Family (Sandy, Frank, and Frankie Rzucek) have asked that those interested in remembering and honoring the lives of Shanann Watts, Bella Watts, Celeste ‘CeCe’ Watts and Baby Nico Watts can make a donation in their honor to one of three charities they adore: The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital or The Lupus Foundation.